Sunday, December 28, 2008
White Christmas
We definetely had a white Christmas this year. There was a ton of snow all week long. Jeff and Cayden took advantage of the snow to go sledding. Cayden came home and told me that he had to erase one of the videos that they took because "it might scare me." Apparently Cayden's sled got a little close to running into the truck and you could hear Jeff yelling at him to "jump off" loudly. These pictures were taken about 35 minutes east of our house. We live in a beautiful place!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas
Our new tent trailer
lighted tent trailer
look at that mess!!!
Cayden and Bryce happy with their loot
Santa definetely came to our house on Christmas. Our two big gifts were a new (gently used) pop-up tent trailer thanks to contributions from many family members and a Nintendo Wii. We surprised Cayden with the tent trailer on Christmas Eve. Jeff decorated it with lights and once Cayden got over the confusion about why it was parked in our driveway he was super excited. The next morning was even better with the discovery that Santa left us a Wii with the game of choice, Lego Star Wars. Bryce enjoyed tearing into some paper and has definetely enjoyed his new toys. Here are some pictures of the tent trailer and Christmas morning.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Rudolph or Bryce?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cayden's Christmas Program
Here are a few videos of Cayden performing at his Christmas program on Tuesday afternoon. And, don't forget, he is a hamster, not a dog. He did great knowing his lines and was a little shy on the songs.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Bryce learns to Crawl and Cayden is in the school play
Bryce finally is crawling. He is 9 1/2 months old and has waited for the Christmas tree to be up to crawl. It figures.... Oh well. He is also recovering from ear infection #1 and hoping to get a bunch of teeth before Christmas. And, because of this, I am hoping to get a full nights' sleep and a happy child for Christmas. Dear Santa...
Cayden has a speaking part in this year's Christmas program. He also has to dress up like a hamster?! All the children are representing animals around the house having a conversation about Christmas and he is the hamster. I hope that I can find something that looks like a rodent for him to wear.
The latest cute Cayden comment is about our nativity scene. He calls it an "activity" scene. When he set up our "activity" scene he put all the people and animals clumped around Mary and Jesus. When I asked him why they were so close he said, "because they are all looking at the baby. That is what people do when there is a baby". Silly me!
Cayden has a speaking part in this year's Christmas program. He also has to dress up like a hamster?! All the children are representing animals around the house having a conversation about Christmas and he is the hamster. I hope that I can find something that looks like a rodent for him to wear.
The latest cute Cayden comment is about our nativity scene. He calls it an "activity" scene. When he set up our "activity" scene he put all the people and animals clumped around Mary and Jesus. When I asked him why they were so close he said, "because they are all looking at the baby. That is what people do when there is a baby". Silly me!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
We had a great Thanksgiving. We started with a walk down by the park and we took some pictures of the boys. We had a great feast provided mostly by Jeff. I am lucky to have such a motivated cook in the family. 4 years ago we got a white tablecloth and used fabric markers to write on the tablecloth what we are thankful for. It has been fun every year to go back and read what we were thankful for and to add our new items.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Here is a video of Cayden singing
Sorry that this is kind of dark but Cayden sang for us last night and it was very cute!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa here to visit
Bob and Barb were here over last weekend. We met them at Kahneeta to spend a couple of nights. We played mini golf, swam in the HOT pool, and just hung out. Jeff did some gambling and I lost a dollar at the penny slot machines. I know, BIG SPENDER. Cayden's big moment was going down the big slide in the picture. It was his first time and he had a great time. He is getting more and more brave all the time.
First Word
Bryce has begun the "dada" mantra and actually associates it with Jeff so I guess we can say that Bryce's first word will be dad. Cayden's was as well. Hopefully, I will get a mama before long however, Cayden said dad, duck, and dog before mom. It's a good thing they look like me..... uh wait....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sun Opening
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Carrie update - sorry no pictures!
Just wanted to let everyone know what I have been up to. Many of you know that I have a student teacher this year and have been enjoying working with her and having some time to organize my desk and do some reading that I have been putting off. And, I have been able to keep up on my blog too. However, my "extra" time will be coming to an end as of Friday. I will begin teaching English for three weeks until the end of the school trimester. It is a long story as to the why and I won't go into that here. I am also working to get my Language Arts endorsement so that I can teach both subjects and be "Highly Qualified" according to NCLB. I will be taking the first of two tests in November and the second in January. Wish me luck! And, now I get to read "Of Mice and Men", "House on Mango Street", and "Speak" with 9th and 10th graders.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Jeff carved pumpkins with Cayden the other night while I got grumpy gus a.k.a Bryce in bed. Here is the result of their hard work. Cayden still doesn't like to scoop the goo out of the pumpkin. I can't say I blame him on that. I think Jeff is looking forward to the time that he doesn't have to be on pumpkin goo control.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cayden's Soccer
Cayden played soccer this year. His season actually ended the middle of September but I didn't ever put these pictures up. Cayden was on a team of 4 and Jeff coached. The first couple of games Cayden would just fall on the ground when he would go for the ball. By the end he was a regular soccer genius.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Something he said
I forgot to add what Cayden said at the pumpkin patch that made me laugh. We were going through the corn maize and Cayden was intently studying the map at every turn. We had just made some turns and had come back to where we had started from. I told Cayden that I think we just went in a big circle and he looked down at his map and said "nope, there aren't any circles on the map." I guess he isn't familiar with that figure of speech.
Pumpkin Patch
Monday, October 13, 2008
Halloween Shirts
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We babysat a good family friend on Saturday. Macee McLean is is almost 11 months old. She is crawling and walking all over the place. I think Bryce outweighs her by a good 3 or 4lbs and is about an inch taller than her. We had a good time and Cayden was a great helper all day. He isn't in these pictures because I finally gave him a break and let him watch t.v.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Carrie's new haircut
Monday, October 6, 2008
Funny Things Cayden Says
Last Thursday Cayden, Bryce, and I were walking to a birthday party in our neighborhood. Jeff was meeting us there so he could leave from the party. Cayden said, "I think that we will beat daddy there." I said "yeah, he is such a slowpoke." Cayden responded with "yeah, and he is so forgettable too." I think he meant 'forgetful' and I'm still trying to figure out how that goes into the conversation...
On the way home from that birthday party Cayden was talking on the phone to Grandpa Lowenbach and he was talking about Nana coming to visit in a couple of weeks and he told grandpa that "she was here about a month ago but when you love someone that much, one month feels like a year."
Last night when we were eating at Applebees Cayden was playing with his new Star Wars character that he bought with his own money earlier that day. He dropped the teeny tiny light sabre that goes with it. He, of course, searched under the table (GROSS) with no luck and eventually we had to go and Cayden left crying. Finally, when we got outside, through his tears he said "It is all you guy's fault!" And, Jeff asks, "why?" and Cayden said "because you didn't warn me!"
On the way home from that birthday party Cayden was talking on the phone to Grandpa Lowenbach and he was talking about Nana coming to visit in a couple of weeks and he told grandpa that "she was here about a month ago but when you love someone that much, one month feels like a year."
Last night when we were eating at Applebees Cayden was playing with his new Star Wars character that he bought with his own money earlier that day. He dropped the teeny tiny light sabre that goes with it. He, of course, searched under the table (GROSS) with no luck and eventually we had to go and Cayden left crying. Finally, when we got outside, through his tears he said "It is all you guy's fault!" And, Jeff asks, "why?" and Cayden said "because you didn't warn me!"
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Matching Pajamas
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