Jeff is thankful for:
Family (including dogsters) '05
Living in a great place '06
His exceptional electrical and plumbing skills for our remodel '07
Peach Hardy '08
and, on occasion, the Broncos have been mentioned. I'm not sure that will be on this year's list.
Carrie is thankful for:
Hot Chocolate '05
Hugs from Cayden and a job that I love '06
The baby boy in her belly (but don't tell Cayden) '07
A Husband that cooks and Christmas lights '08
Cayden is thankful for:
Mommy, daddy, and Mallory (don't know why on that one - she bites) '05
Food and Drake the dog (our house guest on many Thanksgivings) '06 This was the year Cayden wrote his own "C"
Toys, Luna, God and Jesus (and yes, in that order) '07 This year Cayden wrote his whole name
Mom and Dad and Bryce '08 This year Cayden wrote his own list.
What will 2009 have?
and, this year we will add Bryce although I'm not sure what he will be thankful for? I would have taken a picture of the tablecloth but it is VERY wrinkly and I think I am morally opposed to ironing a tablecloth...