Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cayden's Accomplishment

Cayden has become addicted to all things Harry Potter including the books. He has already made his way through the first two books and two weeks ago we finally found the third book at Goodwill. He started reading it as soon as we got back in the car and 6 days later he FINISHED it. He is a reading maniac. Let me assure you that he also had chores to do, piano to practice, and homework to complete. AND, we made him play outside too (we are THAT mean). After he finished it he took an AR Test (for school and it measures comprehension) and scored a 95%. It was a 435 page book for goodness' sake and has a reading level of almost 6th grade. He may not look anything like me but he did get something from me - his love of reading!

What Bryce said

Last night we had Chicken and Dumplings for dinner and when Jeff asked Bryce if he "was ready for Chicken and Dumplings" Bryce said yes, "he wanted Chicken and Ducklings". And all through dinner he kept calling them ducklings.

Cayden has an Indiana Jones Wii game and Bryce likes to "play" too. However, ever since Aunt Anne's wedding in Maryland Bryce has taken to calling Indiana Jones "Auntie Anna Jones".

Love that little pest!