Monday, April 6, 2009

Things Bryce can say! And the funny things that Cayden says

Bryce is not much of a talker. We think his constant ear infections (yes, even after his tubes) have taken a bit of a toll on his hearing UNTIL RECENTLY. Lately, he has been quacking like a duck, clucking like a chicken, mooing like a cow, yelling cracker, and saying no. We used to just get an emphatic head shake but now he says "no!" He has quite the personality!

Cayden asked me the other day whether I had a boyfriend. After doing a bit of explaining about having a husband he thought for a bit and then asked "whether it was okay to have a husband and a boyfriend." After laughing quite a bit I told him that it wasn't the best idea. Just this week I found out where the question came from. Apparently, Cayden has a girlfriend at school and they even held hands during a movie. His teacher says that Cayden lights up whenever she is around. We, of course, have not asked him a thing about it because he gets so embarrassed.

1 comment:

Tanalyn said...

That is hilarious!!! He's starting out young with the girls! The good 'ole days of young you ever wish it always stayed that way?!?!