Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1st Grade Science Fair

Cayden has a student teacher this year and has loved every minute of having Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Fletcher loves science and organized the first graders to do science fair projects over Spring Break. Cayden, of course, bypassed the suggestions from Mr. Fletcher and asked if he could do an exploding volcano. Then, when he told his dad, his dad said, "I think you should do two volcanoes so that you can show how they are different." And, here we go....

Cayden talking to his classmates about his two volcanoes (composite and shield).

And, there goes the shield volcano thanks to vinegar, baking soda, soap, and food coloring.
Jeff and Cayden hooked up the composite volcano to the Stomp Rocket. When Cayden stomped, flour, oatmeal, rice krispies, and popcorn flew in the air. The kids, and adults, loved it.

This is the construction stage. Cayden and I paper mache'd the volcanos while Jeff was in Salt Lake City. Cayden is goofing around pretending to run away from an exploding volcano. Quite funny.

Proud Cayden! And, yes, all that goop did come off the table :)

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