Thursday, June 10, 2010


Dogs are better than duscusting cats
Dogs are teriffick. One dogs help people. Dogs help blinde people cross the street. Next dogs are more activ than cats. Dogs play cats donte. Last dogs are not duscuting. Dogs do (think it is supposed to be "don't") spit out hair balls. Clearly dogs are teriffick.
This is a story that Cayden wrote for school. I thought it was pretty terrific and funny. We do have a cat at home and she is no ones favorite. Lately, she has been staying outside all night and keeping quite busy. We have been picking up dead mice and birds off of our porch that she has been leaving us. It is disgusting! We also have three dogs at home but none of them has ever helped a blind (or seeing) person across the street. And, they actually do spit up "hair" balls.

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