Ohio or Bust
My sister's girls (Alexis, Gabby, and Margo) typically spend half their summer with my dad and stepmom in Dayton, Ohio. My sister will drive from Colorado to pick them up at the end of their summer and this year I decided to hitch a ride and take the boys for a visit with their grandparents and cousins. We made a couple of stops along the way (more on that later) but once we arrived the kids were on the go nonstop. The girls have been out there consistently every summer that they have made friends and never lack for things to do. This year, they got to drag Cayden along with them as they hung out with their friends (Thanks girls!). He enjoyed swimming, the Children's Museum, playing soccer at the park and attending Vacation Bible School and more and more and more. Bryce got to hang out with us old people most of the time so we bought him a kid's pool and Grandpa loaded him up with matchbox cars and he was set for the week. However, he really loved playing with his cousins and they gave him a ton of attention while his brother mostly ignored him in favor of his older cousins. I can't blame him - they are fun. You'll notice that Cayden isn't in many of the pictures because he wasn't around us old people very much. He enjoyed a little extra freedom that having older cousins brings.
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