I had a conversation with a friend recently because I was feeling guilty that Cayden gets less attention in general with Bryce around. Bryce has such a ... demanding, shall we say, personality that everything and everyone seems to get pushed aside. I know it happens and I feel bad for Cayden. He has always been so patient and so understanding and so NON DEMANDING that he ends up waiting and waiting and waiting. He also ends up taking the brunt of my grumpiness. My confession here will hopefully prompt me to think twice about this arrangement. I will make an effort to make sure that he gets more attention, more time, and more gratitude. Here's to loving Cayden the way he deserves.
On another note we recently received a sample of Cayden's writing from school. It makes us laugh and so I thought I would share it with you (misspellings and all). The writing prompt was something about Parties.
"you will want to come to my partys when you lissen to this. The first thing you need is deceraeshshuns (decorations). the deceraeshuns that you will need are bowls, plaets, cups, spoons knighs, and forks. Next you will need food you will need chineas food and for desert you will need ice cream, topings, whip cream, cake and frosting. The last thing you will need is drinks. For grownups you will need beer and wine and for the kids you will need water and milk. Now you know my partys are best."
Also, know that all of his "f's" were backwards! We are a bit embarrassed about the "beer and wine" part but ah well. At least he knows that the kids get water and milk!
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