Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Tradition

Starting in 2005 we started a fun Thanksgiving tradition. I didn't realize exactly how meaningful it was until I got it out today. I purchased a plain white tablecloth and fabric markers and our family started to write what we were thankful for on our tablecloth. Each one of us writes our own and puts the date next to it (we would write for Cayden until last year). This year Cayden could read all of our previous entries and spent some time going around to read them. He liked talking about what everyone wrote. Here are some of our previous entries:

Jeff is thankful for:
Family (including dogsters) '05
Living in a great place '06
His exceptional electrical and plumbing skills for our remodel '07
Peach Hardy '08
and, on occasion, the Broncos have been mentioned. I'm not sure that will be on this year's list.

Carrie is thankful for:
Hot Chocolate '05
Hugs from Cayden and a job that I love '06
The baby boy in her belly (but don't tell Cayden) '07
A Husband that cooks and Christmas lights '08

Cayden is thankful for:
Mommy, daddy, and Mallory (don't know why on that one - she bites) '05
Food and Drake the dog (our house guest on many Thanksgivings) '06 This was the year Cayden wrote his own "C"
Toys, Luna, God and Jesus (and yes, in that order) '07 This year Cayden wrote his whole name
Mom and Dad and Bryce '08 This year Cayden wrote his own list.

What will 2009 have?

and, this year we will add Bryce although I'm not sure what he will be thankful for? I would have taken a picture of the tablecloth but it is VERY wrinkly and I think I am morally opposed to ironing a tablecloth...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Smith Rock with the Wiles Family

Cayden at top of climbing wall

Me and the boys

Heather and her boys

Bryce looking at the river

Max and Nikolai at the top of the climbing wall

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Commercial

The commercial that Cayden got to be in is finally on air. He has a couple of small speaking parts! Look for the cute blonde at the ice cream store!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A bad video but a video nonetheless

Since Bryce wouldn't stand still for a Halloween picture I thought I would try and take a quick video while Trick or Treating. I know it isn't very good and I promise I will get better but here it is anyway.

Lego Car

Cayden got a Lego Club Jr. magazine yesterday in the mail. And, now that he can read, he learned about a contest in which the winner could earn a $100 lego gift card. He promptly came home and closed himself in his room until he created the car you see posted here. He NEEDED to have it put on the blog because he is sure it will win.


Cayden, Hogan, and Sam at school

My Knight in Shining Armor

The Dad and the Dragon (again blurry because Bryce wouldn't stop moving)