Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What did you say?

Last week I was taking Cayden to piano lessons and this gives us 30 minutes in the car each way. Most of the time we chat about the day or have random conversation. Last week, however, out of left field he says, "Mom, how come we don't go to church?" And I say (buying time so I can figure out an answer), "Why do you ask?" He talks for awhile about his friends that go to church and about what he learned when he was in Christian School Kindergarten, etc... I slyly think that I am off the hook when he asks, "So, why don't we go to church?" Me: "Ummmm...." And then I ask, "Is there a reason you want to go to church?" Cayden then says, "I would like to talk to God." Fair enough. I proceeded to tell him that lots of people talk to God all day long whether they are in church or not. He then wants to know HOW you talk to God and I say, "you just have to open your heart and be willing to listen to what he has to say." Now, I am thinking this is a darn good answer and I am reveling in my abilities as a mother when he says, "Yeah, I tried that and all I heard was my head." And, I started laughing ALOT. I wanted to say to him that I'm sure that happens to most people but I couldn't stop giggling.

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