Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Job

I just have to say that I love my job. I don't love every single minute or every single day but I really love my job. And, yes, I'm mad that the recession has so affected what my school is able to afford especially because at the end of the year it is my salary that gets cut. However, what the recession has not affected is my passion about my mission as an educator. I (and all my teacher friends) still spent countless hours outside of the classroom to make sure that the education that the students get is "priceless". Most of us spend more hours now than ever because we have kids who need us more than ever. Of course I am not perfect. And, I guess I feel that I need to say it because I am tired of people complaining about public education. We are a state government funded institution and therefore, in the big picture, we all decide how much support we give public education. Most of us are voters and all of us have a voice. If you think there is a better option than public school - fine, just please don't bash the teachers and schools in the process but know that we do take it personally if you move your child somewhere else. Teachers are THAT invested in our jobs and we are doing a heck of a job (if I don't say so myself). I chose this profession and so I try not to complain too much about it. Yes, I have big classes. Yes, teenagers can be difficult, Yes, my job is stressful, No, I wouldn't change my profession. Please don't think I am some superhero. My job also allows me to spend lots of time with my own children and I laugh a lot during the day and I don't have meetings all day (shout out to my non teacher friends), and there are plenty of other benefits that make it a perfect career for us. I do believe in the mission of public school and think that along with parents we can teach kids and make the world a "nicer" place. I just had to get that off my chest so thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Charsie said...

You go girl! haha! I am here to back you up. I think you are an awesome teacher and I know how much you love your job and your students! keep it up!!