Monday, January 3, 2011

I love when he says that

Cayden (who hears EVERYTHING) often gets many words wrong. However, we love it!

He says "ordament" instead of ornament

He says "milenican falcon" instead of millenium falcon (Star Wars for all you non-experts)

He says "Calvin and Hobbeeessss" instead of Calvin and Hobbes

He is such a great kid. The other day I realized that I asked him to do about 10 different chores in a row and he never said, "why?" or "how come?". He just did them. I also realized I didn't say thank you. Ugh. Time to be humble and tell him I'm sorry.

Bryce has a hard time with his "L's". The other day I was wearing a pair of leggings (yes, they are back in style) and Bryce came up to me and started feeling my legs. He said, "mommy, what are these?" and I said, "leggings" and he said "what are those weggings?" Ummmm... pants... I guess. He was fascinated by my weggins. He also likes to go swedding. His favorite question is still, "Why?" as in "why is it dark outside?" or "why isn't the sun out?" or "why is it Sunday?"

His big thing when he doesn't want to do something is to tell us that "I am tired of doing that". Oh Brother.

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